Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Here are some responses from a couple of our teenage students - one unnamed, the other named. They do not necessarily fit the devotion for today, but they go to show the way God is working in and through the lives of the youth of our church.

“Sometimes I put God in a box. Like I can predict Him. Like I can control Him. Like I'm in control. I think that when theology isn't used to open your eyes, it blinds them…. Some of our Brothers and Sisters give up everything they have to go to Church. A devastatingly beautiful sacrifice. As I looked around the pews in my church this morning, phones were out, ears were closed, hearts were sealed. Do we even know what faith is?” - Unnamed

“Amen. I really enjoyed the discussion we had after Sunday School about this today. What a joy it would be to be free from all the stuff that surrounds us today. To just be able to enjoy a beautiful day with our God and not have to worry about any distractions. Man, I long for that day.” – Brian Johnson

I hear their voices continue to echo in the lives of many adults in our congregation. Do WE know what faith is? Are we living sacrificial lives that show them the way? Will they get fed-up with church as usual and move on to somewhere else where they can find a vital faith? Will anyone show them how to live a vibrantly simple Christian life in the midst of distractions? Maybe their questions should teach us a thing or two about what we should be hungering for. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I can understand what these youth are saying because I have been there. It breaks my heart to hear it. We all have looked to adults in our lives for direction. Sometimes we find it sometimes not. But to look to another human being for true direction is going to faulter because the only one who gives us true direction is Christ. No matter what another person on earth does or doesn't do, don't let that sway you away from Christ. I have been there and it is a hard road.Yes you could look at all the distractions and garbage in life and just through in the towel and say it is no use.If they don't care why should I. Christ could have done that to us but I am thankfull He didn't give up on us. So why should we give up on Him. Christ is bigger than we give him credit for and can do more for us than we can wrap our minds around. He can give us a faith deeper than anything we could ever imagine if we open ourselves up to Him daily and believe Him at his word.

    So, youth, don't let adults discourage you and keep you from enjoying Christ in his fullness. Christ is there for you always even when you don't know it. Focus on him.
